Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sexual Animation Versus Animated Sexuality

Some people lose their virginity when they go off to college. For me, it was my libido.
In my late teens I headed off to medical school and learned something that I never thought I needed to learn. That lesson was in human sexual animation. Let me explain: When one starts becoming "educated" in this type of material, an entire different universe opens up regarding the human body. Everything is broken down into tissues and the tissues into cells. It's like learning in chemistry about breaking down elements into protons, neutrons, and electrons. All of a sudden we are immersed in an atomic-microcosmical world that forces us to reconsider and question the current world we live in.
For a man in his late teens, with nothing but sex on his mind, learning intimate details about the human body is an education that you're not sure you want to learn; that is, once you get started. Especially from the sexual point-of-view.
You sort of find yourself, all of a sudden, knee-deep in information that you're not really sure you want to be learning. You learn great things like what kind of bacteria live in the vagina which are responsible for its scent and flavor. You learn that female breasts are made up of mainly adipose tissue - sticky, greasy, yellow, and without the greatest of smells...
Then you get into dissection of the body. Slicing apart a man's pelvis, testicles, and penis is bad enough. Trust me, you can feel it yourself when the scalpel cuts in. However, what is even more horrifying, at least for a man, is to slice open and take a look at the interior of that which you adore and treasure more than anything else in the world - A woman's sexual system. We'd get into dissecting the female pelvis and sort of look at each other with dazed looks, "Is that it"?
Then you get into pap smears and get to meet the "cyclops," in real life, for the first time. That's what we used to call the "os" of the cervix. I don't know how to describe its features without scaring you. You think to yourself, "This is where I want to put my tongue and penis"?
So, then, for me, I lost my libido. When something as great and natural as sex is reduced to bacteria, histological structures, and neurological impulses, sex isn't so "sexy" any longer.
With time, such feelings tend to subside. For me it was when I realized that it is not the "sex" that animates the woman, but it is the woman who animates the "sex."
I finally realized that every woman has such sexual organs and sexy decorations (like breasts, legs, etc.). Men, too, obviously. We - men and women - are all pretty much physically built the same. But it truly is the personality, character, and warmth of the person which makes the rest of their body and spirit come "alive."
When you meet someone like this, their inner luminescence becomes the focus of your attraction and attention. When this happens, you forget all about bacteria, cells, and what-have-you. Such things don't even cross your mind and that's a fantastic feeling!
Have you ever been with a great looking woman or a great looking man? But in this case, this person was arrogant, nasty, greedy, or distrustful? Or maybe it was impossible to please them...?
I'm sure we've all had to deal with people like this at one time or another. And no matter how attractive they might initially seem, they truly become unsightly, simply because of what they really are. It's not worth putting up with their crap, no matter how physically attractive they might appear on the surface. People like this get very "old" and very ugly, very fast.
Of course, this is starting to sound like "The Greatest Cliche Ever Told," but it's the truth. No matter how frivolous they might seem, cliches are cliches because they are based on truth.
Assumably, when I was younger, I was a superficial, one-dimensional, and ignorant man. I still am in many ways...
I have a lot to learn.
Kimi Kalfino
Men interested in exploring the boundaries of modern-day sexuality with all of its socialistic shackles and alien restrictions are welcome to broaden their sexual horizons by learning Autofellatio. A guide that will help men with their journey is the book Yogafellatio.

The Art, Science, and Philosophy of Autofellatio

Autofellatio is the term given to the act of a man performing fellatio (oral sex) on himself. As with any field of study, there exists an artistic, scientific, and philosophic meaning to its culture. Let's explore what auto fellatio is based on.
The Art:
This portion of autofellatio simply has to do with the man and his creative instincts during the autofellating process. It can be through utilizing unique and non-conventional methods of positions, creative interplay with or without others to enhance the experience, utilizing external devices for extra stimulatory control, and interesting and dynamic ways in which to perform the actual fellating portion of the act.
Man's creative instincts rarely get more creative than when the world of sexuality is explored. The amount of fetishes and ways to stimulate and explore sexuality are infinite to mankind. This makes us much different than any other animals in the world, as we have taken our sexual creativity to the thresholds of the impossible. This is something other animals do not explore to the extremes that humans do. With autofellatio, a man and his penis, and his ability to stimulate his penis, have no limits or boundaries in their pursuit of pleasure, the amount of teasing that can be addressed, or any restrictions to the intensity of the experience. The unfolding and exploration of one's own sexual potential allows the autofellationist the opportunity to transform the act into an art form.
The Science:
Science in autofellating is based on the knowledge of the human frame and what it takes to encourage it to allow the autofellationist to perform this act. Understanding the biomechanics of the spine is necessary, as well as understanding how the atlanto-occipital, lumbro-sacral, sacro-iliac, and femur-acetabular joints also function. Science can be applied to help men increase mobility and flexibility. Understanding the kinesiological methodology of the body is an important and nearly essential factor in being able to fellate one's self.
Scientific interest also crosses over into a man's sexual mechanics, too. Understanding the mechanism of arousal, stimulation, and climax of a man's reproductive system is also invaluable information that can help men get the most out of their self-fellating experience. Science can also help men understand how sexual impulses and pleasures can be further amplified.
The Philosohpy:
If one cannot respect the act of autofellating, how can one respect themselves for doing it?
Being able to perform auto-fellatio is something that takes desire, physical and mental self-discipline, and respect. Through a man's education of the art and science of self-fellating, and with no existing authoritative guidelines, one is left with creating their own philosophy. This is up to each individual man, as no set doctrine exist. With anything else, when respect is acknowledged for the act, this makes it a more satisfying and rewarding experience, purely from engaging in something that is:
1) Not readily practised by the average person.
2) A "new" form of experience that truly deserves further exploration and research.
3) Built on requirements that force the individual to acquire the knowledge and physical ability to actually autofellate.
4) Performed by only the individual engaged in the process. All experiences, feelings, and outcomes are due to the autofellationist and no one else.
This respect fosters admiration for one's ability to perform auto-fellatio. This respect also helps remove the autofellating act from the realm of adult entertainment films, sexual curiosities, and sexual gimmickry into something that demands a more serious and mature consideration.
Auto-fellating allows men to embark on something that is unique, expressive, and nearly boundless. What's especially great about this is that it occurs on one of our most primal levels - the sexual level. By understanding that the autofellationist is exploring something much more than "some pervert sucking his own penis" we can help to learn to explore it and to appreciate it ourselves.
Kimi Kalfino
Men and women who are interested in learning what it takes to learn Auto-fellatio are welcome to read an interesting book on the subject, YOGAFELLATIO.

Can Autofellatio Easily Be Performed More Than Most People Realize?

Autofellatio is the act where a man performs oral sex on himself. There is a similar circumstance in women which is called autocunnilingus. Most men have tried to perform this at least once in their lifetimes. Some were successful, while other men were not.
Certainly having a lengthy penis would make such acts easier to perform. Ron Jeremy is an adult film star who has made hundreds of adult movies over the years. Some of his earlier scenes showed him performing auto-fellatio. Being rather largely endowed, this certainly helped him master self-fellatio. In fact, he's a bit famous for having done so.
So, is auto-fellatio so hard to perform? The answer is "yes" and "no." If one is not in proper physical shape it will be difficult to perform. If a man is in proper physical condition, it is not hard to master.
The problem is that as human beings have "evolved," we have become less active and dynamic in our physical activities. Why walk to the store when one can drive? Why wash your clothes, in the sink, by hand, when you can have a machine do it for you? Why cut your own lawn? Isn't that something you pay the landscaper to do?
The truth is that humans are becoming increasingly less active. This leads to not only weight gain, but to joint problems, and poor postural biomechanics. The remedy for some it to visit the gym to burn off those extra calories... But nothing beats being active and dynamic during the entire day.
The joints are especially receptive to activity. None so more than the spinal joints. There is a rule in the body which states, "Use it or lose it." If you stop using something it will start to atrophy or change its functionability or structure.
For example, do you know what is one of the best things men can do to avoid prostatic cancer? To use the prostate. Put it to work. That's what men have them for. Start using it either through sexual intercourse or masturbation. Again, use it or lose it. (Zinc is also very helpful in preventing prostatic cancer.)
Joints are especially prone to the use/lose law. One of the main causes of osteoarthritis in the spine is due to lack of use. People sit around all day and do nothing. Most people rarely introduce full range-of-motion into their spines every day. The body then begins to lay down calcific deposits to fuse these joints together. "After all, they don't seem to be used any longer, so let's fuse 'em up!" In fact one of the healthiest things a person can do every day is to bend over and touch their toes, extend back as far as possible (from the trunk), rotate the whole body clockwise and anti-clockwise with the feet planted, and flex as far to the left and right as possible. This helps "lubricate" your spine and keeps your spinal column mobile and healthy.
Stress, force, and gravity are essential, too. The more the joints are being used and are active, the stronger they become, just like our muscles. Osteoporosis is a lack of calcium density in bones. One main factor causing osteoporosis is lack of activity.
Staying active is extremely important for our health.
What happens when you break your arm and wear a cast for a few months? The muscles in the arm atrophy because you haven't used them in two months. That's why physical therapeutic exercises are needed after wearing a cast, simply to restore motion in any affected joints and to restore muscle and joint strength.
Back to autofellatio: One can easily see how humans being less active will impede their flexibility and movement. Poor posture (from sitting at a desk all day, for example) also affects muscles and joints and ensures that they do not function at 100% efficiency - this means the joints are restricted and the muscles usually have to carry a strain when trying to do their job.
What about our feet? After all, they are the very foundation of our entire body. Does anyone think high heels might affect a person's feet, ankles, legs, knees, pelvis, or back? How about shoes that are too pointed? Is there a chance that wearing shoes of this nature might have an impact on someone's feet? How much time each day do you spend walking or standing on a hard surface? Consider carpet to be a hard surface due to the structure underneath it. Man was not designed to stand or walk on such hard surfaces. These surfaces speed up the process of foot, ankle, knee, pelvic, and lower back problems including arthritis.
One other point while we are discussing feet: There are lots of small bones and joints in the feet. Wearing shoes and walking on hard surfaces just jams these bones together. However, walking in sandals on dirt or natural uneven surfaces does what? It helps restore movement in these joints, helps break up knots in the fascia and muscles, stimulates ligaments and tendons, "exercises" your feet, and is truly restorative to your entire body's health.
A good way to prove this is to have a foot massage performed on you. Now, ask yourself, why does a massage like that feel better than sex? Because your feet have been abused your entire lifetime, most likely. Taking care of them and relaxing them is complete bliss to your feet and you are rewarded with pleasure for taking the time to take care of your feet.
The fact is, we don't even realize how badly we've abused our bodies until we begin to feel pain. However, with our work load, picking up the kids from school, and with no time to visit the doctor, we continually put off having our body examined. After awhile what happens? In most cases you will become immune to those aches and pains and eventually block them out of your mind. You won't "feel" the pain any longer. The problem is that the cause of the pain is still wreaking havoc on your body, you just don't have time to "feel" it any longer.
The flexibility needed to perform autofellatio, as you can see, is going to be greatly affected by a lot of these things that were just mentioned. Strangely enough, it never really occurs to people that such things actually do have a large impact on not only normal and natural flexibility, but digestion, stress levels, metabolism, and the list goes on forever.
With proper instruction it's not difficult to help restore normal flexibility in a person's spine; that is, in most cases. The goal is to learn and perform stretches and techniques that will help bring the body back to its intended purpose and function. Helping restore a person's body to its intended abilities is extremely helpful in increasing flexibility to perform auto fellatio or auto cunnilingus.
If we can just bring our abused bodies back to "normal," this will help show people that performing autofellatio is easier than most think.
Kimi Kalfino
Men and women who are interested in exploring Autofellatio and what it takes to be able to autofellate are recommended a book on the subject. The book is entitled YOGAFELLATIO.